Leamington Spa
Family garden in Leamington Spa

Before and after
The garden had a large overgrown bank at the back which needed to be retained, whilst still being included in the new design. We set about optimising the space and making it special. We cut into the bank and made a one if a kind two storey shed, with the upper level for the kids and the lower level for mum and dad. We made sure the upper level was an ‘adult free zone’ with the addition of a climbing wall entrance and a fire pole exit. Good luck with that Mum and dad!
The lawn was replaced with artificial turf to suit the children’s needs, meaning theycould play outdoors whatever time of year. We also revamped their front garden to add some wow factor, making the entrance to the house more inviting with the use of porcelain cobbles and reclaimed Leamington bricks.
Why they chose us?
We were contacted by the client as they had heard about a job we had completed for a friend of theirs. We presented our detailed designs explaining what we thought we could do.
This was a great project, with lots of communication throughout the project as the shed/den idea evolved.

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